Saturday, October 15, 2011

It's an achievement!!

What achievement you may ask? Blogging two days in a row that is! Haha, I just went through my older posts as far back as 2007 and can't believe how active I was. It is a shocker! Hahahaa, so anyway, I woke up this morning wondering why Dudu's alarm hasn't woke us up yet followed by jolting and panicking after looking at the wall clock showing 7.00am. I shook Dudu and said it's seven! While in my heart I was thinking, oh man, what am I gonna prepare for breakfast, sempat or not? and then he replied sleepily, "It's Saturday,la.."

This was me, "It is? Oh okay, er...go back to sleep" My God, how unemployment can make you lose track of time! It's ridiculous. So yeah, after that I was determined to finish my assignment which is actually due today but I ended up going to Dudu's laptop instead to book the boarding for Polly come January at followed by coming here, to my blog...

Well, a beautiful start to Saturday I guess. You guys have a great one, l8ers!

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