Tuesday, July 31, 2007

So Long UNITAR~~~~!!!!....well, at least for now~(-_-)"

Hey people!!! My exam days for my diploma was finally put to an end yesterday~~~Hip-hip, Hooray!!! Well.....honestly, i'm not as bouncy and happy about it as i'm suppose to be...why? i'm not quite sure myself...it's not that i couldn't do my exams laaaaa, i knew i did the best i could...its just that it's some other feeling...a whole mixture of it...but like blurr2~~~hmm....wtv,la dat, just ignore..heehee..anyway! yesterday after exam, my friends and i took a couple of photos=) very fun! I'm soooooo gonna miss them heaps! Miss the trips we had together, all the 'makan2' times~~~events we organized together....sigh~~~~~2 years plus just flew by so swiftly~ it's as if i just got to know them when i first arrived..hehe..me wif my short chinese style hair, masuk the class then everyone was like,(><)???..hahahhaaa~~Then at that time i met shida with her straight treatment hair who was 24/7 on the phone and made me thought she's so sombong n lansi~~~wahahahahahhaaa~~but then dunno how we got so close later on..^^..will especially miss her alot...then the other classmates..huda, nik, yan, n dila...all the other coursemates yang hilang one by one~~~~dunno how they're doing now...anyway, here are some of the photos taken! heeheee~~~


This, my fellow viewers, are the remaining of DPL( Dip. in Tourism Mgt) Batch 26B students. In my first year there were about almost 20 of us....hahahhaaa~~~~Dun have any idea where they menghilang~

This is me all happy and excited cuz the final paper is in an hours time.??NOLA~~~~i'm happy cuz the famous n sedap maggi goreng of makmah is coming soon!!! WOOHOO!

Shida does not hesitate to ask help from a stranger to take a photo of us in the middle of the road in between makmah n the fac. hahahahhahaa~~~!!{^,^}

Nik n me at makmah=) she dropped my spoon twice~~~grrrr....hungry awi wanna eat maggi goreng tegendala~hehehehehe~~~N i have no idea why that grey thing is there! damn. spoiler..

Shida n me with our business law lecturer En. Asri who does not seem to look like one.........hahahahhahahha, but he's a good lecturer anyway=) Notice the booby keychain he's squeezing~~~LOL(it's his by the way)><

Us again with lecturers, hehe, shida jahat, she cropped off 1 of the lecturers...tsk3.....
Left to right; shida, me, en. Nuril, en. Asri

Guess where this was taken.....Look at the tiles.....Cmmon, i'm making it easy for you~~~~~hahahahhaa~~~~if u guessed TOILET, then ur absolutely CORRECT! ooohh...look at my fingernails...all kena cap ganjil2~ hehehehe

This was also at makmah,hihihiiiii~look at us happieeeee, we minta tolong posmen take photo, hehehee><>

This is me with ain, hmphh~ we shared the suka n duka when organizing the PINK HOPE breast cancer event last sem..waduh...headache2....

These people i'll miss shooooooo much!
Left to right; me, nina, shida, n farhana=)
Nina was the 1st person i met when i first enrolled in ittar~~~

Quya n myself, hehe, followed her to do some part time work once with her uncle, so damn tired that day! i even fell sick!!!

Finally, me n my best buddy Norshahida Bte. Abd Nasir,hehehe...on dilah's motorbike trippin ;P~~haihhh...no kesempatan to go Penang with her, but surely i will go someday, heehee~~go makan2 n ol~~~~

Guess that wraps up my blog for today....farewell Unitar..
will miss the people i came across there.......
Bon Voyage~~~
Till i come back here to study again


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Blog blog blog~~

Haha..ok, so i've been tooooooooo lazy to update my blog BUT i have valid reasons....urmm...one of them being laziness...malas...n...SIMPLY TOO LAZY TO BLOG. Why? simple. i have no idea on what to blog about..wait. actually i do have stories to tell n share, but sometimes, eh, most of the time whenever i baruuuuuuu saja log into my blogging account, i kinda click somewhere else and i end up browsing sites for like until i get these heavy sleepy eyes and then i forget that i wanted to blog in the first place AND when i do remember that i wanted to blog, i'll be too lazy already and i'll juz ZzZZZzzzz away~~~~hehee...

I really respect those people who can blog like soooooooooo long blogs. Where do they get they're never-ending tell-tales? Maybe my life is just not exciting enough to be able to write super duper long blogs, ei? Also, those people who are just so great with words n phrases n all those...you know, mmm, quotes n stuff, heeheee, i really get impressed with people who can write. Eg. my friend KiKi..heehee...only certain people knows who KiKi is...XD! So, according to my lecturer anyway, youngsters nowadays are just not as literate as people back in the olden days. WE JUST AREN'T THE "WRITING TYPE" OF GENERATION. What say u people out there? Agree or not? To me, its kinda true cuz people who actually enjoy writing are on the minority..yes, punish me~~i'm the majority of people who are OBLIGED to write...for eg. the reason i'm blogging now is cuz Dudu asked me to update my blog~hehe...get the idea?

Ugh..i'm cracking my knuckles already...which reminds me! i wanna blog about people who are just so gatal n i feel like i wanna tanam my fist in their faces. No, no, don't get me wrong, i don't even know these gatal people..and they're not acting all slutty to me. These bitches are actually gatal to my Dudu...roar...the nerve of these people...touch2 people without being invited...grrr...well, from what Dudu has been telling me, they keep on checking him out and walk pass by him hoping they'll be able to catch Dudu's attention with their oh-so-BEAUTIFUL face......NOTTTTT!! Not today, tomorrow, or ever bitches! ROARRRR! heheheehee, well,well...pardon me for my explicit words, not my fault, picked em' up from Dudu,wahahahahaa~~~~anyway, eventho i know these pain-in-the-arse people will never come upon my blog, i just wanna say....Go find yerslves some other men who wud actually see ur faces to bergatal2 with!!Hmph!Biatch.

Ok. i guess dats all for today. Anyway, Dudu, since u claim that u are a "FAMOUS BLOGGER" now and there is a need for ur wife to update her blog too, hope ur happy with this entry =)

p/s : if possible, give those bitches this link ;) thanks sayang!! wahahahahhahaha!!XD

I'm outta here!!! {^,^}!!