SO! as we arrived n settled for a place to stay, the first place we went to was this pamous nasi kandar place called "Line Clear Nasi Kandar" At first i was kinda expecting this, u know, normal something like "Pelita Nasi Kandar" kinda shop....tau-tau it's a gerai in a lorong pula! But no doubt the food mmg yummy. I had the briyani rice with ayam madu..MmMMMmm~~Hahaaa, as if not full enough, my bf n I continued with having the ever famous "CHENDUL" which is actually cendol, at another nearby 'lorong' hahhaaa, sedap also la but still cannot beat my fave "Cendol Banting".
That time edi kekenyangan, then we kai-kai around Penang, hehe...initially, we wanted to go to Bukit Bendera but we balik2 cannot find the signboard, end up going to Balik Pulau to look for DURIAN! I HAVE NEVER SEEN SO MUCH DURIANS HANGING ON TREES....EVER! Seriously! There were soooooo many durian trees with lotsa durians!! After passing a few durian stalls we finally stopped at one to makan some fresh n sedap mannnnnn.....But i have to admit, the road going up to Balik Pulau made me dizzy, sooooo-la like the road sana Kundasang duiidogooo~~~I was like "Sayang, drive slowwwww!!!! I pening." hahahahhaaa
After that chill at the beach awhile, Dudu attempted to catch a "gemis"for me, that's like a..ummm..oyster i think...haahaa, did i even spell it right? Dunnola, after that we went to Gurney drive for MORE makan2 session, hehehheheee, we had the famous char koay teow of Penang, fried oyster(yummylicious), rojak buah, then after that some coconut biscuits from Thailand, then we kai-kai sumore in the mall nearby~~After that we also went around the clubbing area for youngsters...quite nice also =) much la i blog this time. So, to make the long story short.......
Here are some photos of the whole trip =D
Me n my cotton candy, heheee
alololo...punya kiut ;P
On the way to Penang
We've made it!!!! So glorious oh his pose...HAHAA
Penang Bridge!!
Penang Bridge!!! AGAIN hahaaaa
That's a drink that's made from the plant to make cendol...Dudu likes it, i beg to differ~~ahahaa
Time to inhale some fresh air!!! Up in Balik Pulau this~
Random photos coming down fron Balik Pulau
Nice,kan!! Pandai o i ambil picture, hihihiiii...
Wow!!! The sea!! well, u know la d kl where got sea ~~~~
So hottttt oh that day~~~!
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