Tuesday, July 31, 2007

So Long UNITAR~~~~!!!!....well, at least for now~(-_-)"

Hey people!!! My exam days for my diploma was finally put to an end yesterday~~~Hip-hip, Hooray!!! Well.....honestly, i'm not as bouncy and happy about it as i'm suppose to be...why? i'm not quite sure myself...it's not that i couldn't do my exams laaaaa, i knew i did the best i could...its just that it's some other feeling...a whole mixture of it...but like blurr2~~~hmm....wtv,la dat, just ignore..heehee..anyway! yesterday after exam, my friends and i took a couple of photos=) very fun! I'm soooooo gonna miss them heaps! Miss the trips we had together, all the 'makan2' times~~~events we organized together....sigh~~~~~2 years plus just flew by so swiftly~ it's as if i just got to know them when i first arrived..hehe..me wif my short chinese style hair, masuk the class then everyone was like,(><)???..hahahhaaa~~Then at that time i met shida with her straight treatment hair who was 24/7 on the phone and made me thought she's so sombong n lansi~~~wahahahahahhaaa~~but then dunno how we got so close later on..^^..will especially miss her alot...then the other classmates..huda, nik, yan, n dila...all the other coursemates yang hilang one by one~~~~dunno how they're doing now...anyway, here are some of the photos taken! heeheee~~~


This, my fellow viewers, are the remaining of DPL( Dip. in Tourism Mgt) Batch 26B students. In my first year there were about almost 20 of us....hahahhaaa~~~~Dun have any idea where they menghilang~

This is me all happy and excited cuz the final paper is in an hours time.??NOLA~~~~i'm happy cuz the famous n sedap maggi goreng of makmah is coming soon!!! WOOHOO!

Shida does not hesitate to ask help from a stranger to take a photo of us in the middle of the road in between makmah n the fac. hahahahhahaa~~~!!{^,^}

Nik n me at makmah=) she dropped my spoon twice~~~grrrr....hungry awi wanna eat maggi goreng tegendala~hehehehehe~~~N i have no idea why that grey thing is there! damn. spoiler..

Shida n me with our business law lecturer En. Asri who does not seem to look like one.........hahahahhahahha, but he's a good lecturer anyway=) Notice the booby keychain he's squeezing~~~LOL(it's his by the way)><

Us again with lecturers, hehe, shida jahat, she cropped off 1 of the lecturers...tsk3.....
Left to right; shida, me, en. Nuril, en. Asri

Guess where this was taken.....Look at the tiles.....Cmmon, i'm making it easy for you~~~~~hahahahhaa~~~~if u guessed TOILET, then ur absolutely CORRECT! ooohh...look at my fingernails...all kena cap ganjil2~ hehehehe

This was also at makmah,hihihiiiii~look at us happieeeee, we minta tolong posmen take photo, hehehee><>

This is me with ain, hmphh~ we shared the suka n duka when organizing the PINK HOPE breast cancer event last sem..waduh...headache2....

These people i'll miss shooooooo much!
Left to right; me, nina, shida, n farhana=)
Nina was the 1st person i met when i first enrolled in ittar~~~

Quya n myself, hehe, followed her to do some part time work once with her uncle, so damn tired that day! i even fell sick!!!

Finally, me n my best buddy Norshahida Bte. Abd Nasir,hehehe...on dilah's motorbike trippin ;P~~haihhh...no kesempatan to go Penang with her, but surely i will go someday, heehee~~go makan2 n ol~~~~

Guess that wraps up my blog for today....farewell Unitar..
will miss the people i came across there.......
Bon Voyage~~~
Till i come back here to study again


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